
1. The name of the Society shall be Milton Keynes Natural History Society.

2. The aims of the Society shall be:-

a) To promote and improve the knowledge and status of Natural History in Milton Keynes and the surrounding district.

b) To co-operate with other organisations, and to do such other things as are conducive to further the above objects as the occasion may arise.

3. a) Membership of the Society shall be open to anyone. Persons under sixteen must be accompanied at all meetings by a responsible adult.

b) Members under the age of sixteen shall have no voting rights.

c) Members shall pay annually such fees as shall be determined by the committee.

4. a) The officers of the Society shall be over the age of eighteen and shall consist of the President, Vice President(s), Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chairman shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of two years and may then be re-elected for a period of two years. He/she must then have a break of two years before he/she can be re-elected.

b) Other officers may be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election; casual vacancies among the officers shall be filled temporarily from the committee.

5. a) The Committee shall consist of the officers and eight members elected at the Annual General Meeting.

b) The committee shall have the power to co-opt.

c) A quorum at any Committee meeting shall be five.

d) The Committee shall administer the finance of the Society and shall be empowered to deal with any matter not covered by these rules.

e) If an officer or member of the Committee fails to attend, without good reason accepted by the Committee, more than three consecutive committee meetings that officer or member is deemed to have resigned.

6. a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a time and place decided by the Committee and in any case not later than March 31st in each year.

b) Resolutions embodying proposed alterations to the constitution for submission to the Annual General Meeting shall be in the hands of the Secretary one month prior to the meeting.

c) The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be approved by the Committee and shall include annual report(s) and a financial statement.

d) The Chairman or Secretary may at any time at their discretion, and shall within twenty-one days of receiving a written request to do so signed by no less than twelve members and giving reasons for the request, call a Special Meeting of the Society for any purpose.

7. The Society will exercise due care when arranging its meetings and activities for the benefit of members. Members taking part in any meeting or activity do so at their own risk